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A message from our minister

Hello Everyone,

I want to update you on the Uniting Church and CKCC’s response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic and the steps we are taking under the advice of the Synod and Government authorities.

As I understand, the priority of Government authorities is to slow down and limit the spread of the virus so that our health system is not overwhelmed and is able to provide health services to everyone who is in need. We will do our best to cooperate with this intent while seeking to continue our fellowship and be a community of peace in a world that is highly anxious at present. The Coronavirus is a serious crisis that we must all take seriously and do our part to slow. Having said this, while we need to be wise in minimising the risks to ourselves and others, we also are not governed by fear. God’s perfect love cast out all fear (1 John 4:18). In and through Jesus we also have a hope that is imperishable (1 Corinthians 15:42). Together, with our words and by our actions, let’s model the gospel hope we have.

We will continue to host all our current programs and activities including, Grapples, Chatters and weekend Worship, and will continue to do so until we are advised otherwise. We will seek to ensure our buildings are hygienically maintained. We are providing hand sanitisers and encourage you to use these entering and leaving the premises.

During our Worship Service we will share the Peace verbally without physical contact or movement around the Auditorium. At the end of the Worship Service I will be available to greet you with a blessing at the door but I will withhold shaking hands. It is important that we begin to establish new behaviour patterns to limit physical contact during this time. I will not be offended if you choose to leave the service without a blessing.

It is important that you make you and your family’s health needs a priority at this time. I know that this will be a very difficult decision for many of you to make. Worship and Fellowship is core to our faith and our community life. If you are unable to attend worship a DVD will be available. Please contact the Office to arrange a DVD to be picked up or mailed to you. And remember this is just a season. We look forward to when things will return to normal.

If you are unwell, in particular if you have cold or flu like symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat etc) please do not attend any church activities until you are well again and seek medical advice. A number of our members are in categories of high risk and we want to protect those who may be severely affected by contracting the virus.

Please continue to pray for our world and our nation, for our health care professionals at the frontline, including many in our church, for safety and strength. Pray for wisdom for our state and national leaders. Pray for provision for those whose livelihoods will be affected by the fall out. Care for one another in need and for those God has placed in your world.

We will keep in touch with you regarding any further developments as necessary.

Grace & Peace,

Rev Janet & Dr Sue



For more information, please contact our office:
Mon – Fri 9.00am – 2.00pm

PHONE: (07) 3350 4302      EMAIL:

LOCATION: Cnr Gympie Rd & Rode Rd, Chermside QLD 4032

ADDRESS: 590 Gympie Road, Chermside QLD 4032

POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 470, Chermside South QLD 4032


9:00am - All welcome

(Family Friendly) 

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© 2023, Chermside Kedron Community Church

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