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CKCC Worship Services & COVID-19

Hello Everyone,

In response to the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday to limit all gatherings to 100 inside, the Uniting Church Synod has directed congregations to cease all Worship Services and meetings effectively immediately. Small group and team meetings may continue at our discretion in the short term with stringent hygiene and social distancing practices. I have attached a pastoral statement from the Moderator of the Uniting Church.

This decision will deeply impact our capacity to worship and fellowship together and I want to acknowledge the loss we will experience in being the body of Christ in worship, witness and service, as we now experience it. We are also very aware of the consequences for those of us living alone or with a particular need that limits contact and communication. The Church Council and the Pastoral Care Team are committed to caring for us as individuals and as a community and ensuring that people’s needs are being attended to as best we can. It is important during this time to stay connected to each other. Phone calls and texts are a simple way of ensuring that people do not feel alone and isolated.

Here are some ways we are creatively responding to these changes:

  • Each week a Worship Service will be pre-recorded and uploaded to our new Chermside Kedron Community Church YouTube Chanel. I want to encourage you to meet together on Sunday in small groups and families to share a meal, watch the service together and enjoy fellowship. The early church consisted of small, local groups gathering in each other’s homes. It’s been done before! Please be proactive in our gathering and lets not stop meeting together. Here is the first uploaded video to welcome you to the channel.

  • A DVD of the weekly service will also be available for those who do not have access to the internet. Please contact the Office for a copy.

  • Chatters will offer a take away service from Monday. The staff and remaining volunteers will be diverting their energies to cook healthy home-made meals for those who are self-isolating or would just like a take-out treat. We will let you know the ordering process soon. Chatters coffee shop and Grapples thrift shop will be closed until further notice.

  • Emergency Food and Assistance. We are currently working on increasing our food stocks to support those in financial need during this time. Our partnership with Uniting Care Financial Services will also provide essential support to those who will feel the financial burden and loss of work.

  • Giving online. One of the challenges over the next few months will be a decline in our income. Chatters, Grapples and Offerings contribute to the income of the church so we are expecting a large reduction in our income while continuing to remunerate our staff. We are aware that many people may suffer financial hardship over the next few months, but as far as you are able we would like to encourage you to continue in your financial giving to the church. This can be done through direct debit: UCA - Chermside Kedron Community Church BANK: ANZ BSB: 014 010 A/C No: 286290487.

Please continue to care for each other and contact the Ministry Team if we can be of any assistance. The Office will be open as usual to offer you support.

Grace & Peace to you all,

Rev Janet & Dr Sue



For more information, please contact our office:
Mon – Fri 9.00am – 2.00pm

PHONE: (07) 3350 4302      EMAIL:

LOCATION: Cnr Gympie Rd & Rode Rd, Chermside QLD 4032

ADDRESS: 590 Gympie Road, Chermside QLD 4032

POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 470, Chermside South QLD 4032


9:00am - All welcome

(Family Friendly) 

  • YouTube

© 2023, Chermside Kedron Community Church

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